Search Results
Jenkins World 2016 - JenkinsOps: An Initiative to Streamline and Automate Jenkins
Jenkins World 2016 - A Tale of Two (or Three) Jenkins Outages
Jenkins World 2016 - Continuous Delivery of Infrastructure with Jenkins
Jenkins World 2016 - Blue Ocean: A New User Experience for Jenkins
Jenkins World 2016 - Lightning Talk #2: CD Pipelines as Code with Github and Bitbucket
Jenkins World 2016 - The Three Pillars Behind Continuous Security
Jenkins World 2017 w/Jenkins Founder, Cloudbees CTO, Kohsuke Kawaguchi
Building an OSS community and ecosystem, based on my Jenkins experience - Kohsuke Kawaguchi
Chef/Puppet + Jenkinsによる継続的デリバリ 川口 耕介 (@kohsukekawa) #jjug
Hackday #34 Vrobote, Pitch
【初学者向け】JJUG ナイトセミナ 「Javaのプログラムはどうやって動いているの?」 GC 編 #jjug